What is the sustainable development

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM133503


(a) What is the sustainable development?

(b) Distinguish between intra-generational and inter-generational equity?

(c) Illustrate the triple bottom line approach as goals of sustainability.

(d) Give three reasons why sustainable development is regularly considered as a contested concept?


(a) What is the Global Warming?

(b) Illustrate in brief four human activities which cause weather transform.

(c) Explain in brief four impacts of weather transform.

(d) Explain in brief five endeavors you can take in your everyday life to reduce global warming.


Explain three of the roles for each of the five chief stakeholders involved in sustainable improvement.



Write down short notes on-

(a) ‘Precautionary Approach'

(b) Ecological Footprint

(c) Sustainable Business

Reference no: EM133503

Questions Cloud

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Inventory driven costs : ABC analysis, standardisation and variety reduction, Inventory Driven Costs, EDI works, Just in Time, dependent and independent demand
Distinguish between global warming and ozone layer depletion : Distinguish between global warming and ozone layer depletion
What is the sustainable development : What is the sustainable development
What are major criticisms against the toc : What are major criticisms against the TOC
Abc analysis : nternal customers in organizations, Distribution resource planning (DRP), Electronic data interchange (EDI), Stocktaking, inventory policy, Shelf life of products, Limited storage space
What must his forecast be using this method : What must his forecast be using this method What would the prediction be if he used regression analysis
Standardization of stock items : nternal customers in organizations, Distribution resource planning (DRP), Electronic data interchange (EDI), Stocktaking, inventory policy, Shelf life of products, Limited storage space


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