Understanding the organization

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM13172 , Length: 11

This particular document is a small assignment in which a student did the necessary research over certain questions, which are helpful in a stringent understanding of the organization and its nature.


1. Describe the products and services of commercial, public and third sector organizations?

2. State employer and employee rights and responsibilities under employment law, and the importance of having these.

3. Detail employer and employee rights and responsibilities under the Health and Safety at Work Act

4. Describe the organization's procedures for health and safety documentation used

5. Describe organizational procedures for equality and diversity detailing any monitoring and documentation activity.

6. Describe the main career pathways available within a customer service role.

7. Identify sources of information and advice available on the customer service industry, occupations and career progression.

8. Identify methods of learning available in the organization to assist in career progression.

9. Describe the main principles, policies and procedures of their organization and its documentation.

10.Outline relevant policies and codes of practice adopted by the organization and how employees are made aware of these

11.Explain how employees are consulted on changes to the principles, procedures and policies within the organization

12.Outline ways in which customer expectations can be identified

13.Identify examples of when customer service may be limited by organizational goals

14.Identify customer related legislation and external regulations and how these may affect customer service

15.Outline how business service improvements might be limited by legislation

16.Identify ways in which the security of customers and their property can be protected

17.Outline why different situations need different methods of communication

18.Identify communication methods suitable for a series of customer interactions

19.Identify the advantages and disadvantages of the main communication methods to customers to include:

20.Outline the content of a standard letter in response to a customer query

21.Explain what is meant by active listening and its importance when dealing with customers?

22.Describe the standard greetings of three different organizations and how they impact on customers

23.Explain what information may be held about customers by an organization?

24.Outline how customer information is kept secure and confidential.

25.Identify information about the organization that should not be disclosed to customers.

26.Explain why certain information should not be disclosed to customers and the implications on the organization if it is

27.Detail how products and services can be promoted in an organization

28.Explain the importance of evaluating customer service

29.Identify methods of evaluation of the customer experience that may be used

30.Explain how evaluation can lead to customer service improvements.

Reference no: EM13172

Questions Cloud

Financial management for profit and non profit organizations : In this essay, we are going to discuss the issues of financial management in a non-profit organisation.
National and Global economic environment and ICICI Bank : While working in an economy, it has a separate identity but cannot operate insolently.
Networking and types of networking : This assignment explains the networking features, different kinds of networks and also how they are arranged.
Journal of pharmaceutical sciences : This journal is a scientific publication of Indian Pharmaceutical Association and highlights various bright points of it.
Understanding the organization : This document contains certain important questions which are crucial to help the students to understand the nature of their organizations.
Managing services in competitive environment : Services can be defined as separately identifiable, intangible activities which provide want-satisfaction when marketed to household consumers and/or industrial users.
Labour dissonance at maruti suzuki india limited: a case stu : This Case Study focuses on various issues related to Labour Unrest at Maruti Suzuki India Limited.
Impact of employee attrition on people management in organis : Talent management implies recognizing a person's inherent skills, traits, personality and offering him a matching job.
Integrating culture and diversity in decision making : People in the organization are known as Google where they share common goals and have common vision.


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