Hrp: recruitment and selection

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Reference no: EM13129 , Length: 24

Manpower planners plalledned for recruitment, selection & placement of new employees, provided for development & anticipated necessary promotion & transfers. During the late 70s, the term "human resource" in place of "manpower" gained acceptance as a way of emphasizing the positive view of personnel as a basic corporate resource. Also during these years, HRP became widely established as a staff activity in major business & govt orgs.

This report focuses intensely on Recruitment under following heads:-

1.      Introduction to the Project

2.      Human Resource Planning

3.      Steps in effective HRP

  • Environmental Scanning
  • Labour demand forecast
  • Labour Supply forecast
  • Gap Analysis
  • Action Programming & implementation
  • Control and evaluation
  • Value Addition

4.      Advantages and Disadvantages of Forecasting methods

5.      Recruitment

  • Introduction
  • Section
  • Placement
  • Induction

6.      Recruitment: Objectives and Analysis

7.      Recruitment Policy

  • Definition
  • Elements
  • General Principles
  • Factors included in Recruitment Policy
  • Prerequisites of Recruitment Policy

8.      Person Specifications

  • Relevant
  • Independent
  • Assessable

9.      Selection Process

  • Seven Point Selection:-

v  Physical make up

v  Attainments

v  General intelligence

v  Special aptitude

v  Interests

v  Disposition

v  Circumstances

  • Five Point Selection:-

v  Impact

v  Qualification

v  Brain and abilities

v  Motivation and adjustments

  • Eight Point Selection:-

v  First impression

v  Education and qualification

v  General intelligence

v  Special attitude

v  Personal background

v  Experience

v  Personality

v  Motivation

10.  Factors governing Recruitment

  • External Factors
  • Internal Factors

11.  Recruitment Process: stages

  • Planning
  • Strategy development
  • Searching
  • Screening
  • Evaluation
  • Control

12.  Yield Ratios

13.  Sources of Recruitment

  • Internal
  • External

14.  Methods of recruitment

  • Direct
  • Indirect
  • Third party

15.  Emerging challenges

16.  Conclusion: Recruitment

17.  Summary: Recruitment

Recruitment  is  a  more  complex  activity  than  most  managers  think  it  is.  it  does  not  just  involve  placing  ads  or  calling  employment  agencies.  recruitment  efforts  should  make  sense  in  terms  of  your  coy"  strategic  plans.  some  recruiting  methods  are  superior  to  others,  depending  on  the  type  of  job  you  are  recruiting  for  &  what  your  resources  are.

Reference no: EM13129

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