Define the concept of the dw test and the lm test

Assignment Help Engineering Mathematics
Reference no: EM131530105

Question: 1. Apply the LM test to test for first-order and second-order serial correlation in errors for the estimation of some multiple regression models with the data sets presented in Chapter 4. In each case compare the results with those obtained by using the DW test and Durbins h-test if there are lagged dependent variables in the explanatory variables.

2. In the case of data with housing starts illustrate the use of fourth-order autocorrelation using the DW test and the LM test.

Reference no: EM131530105

Questions Cloud

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Explain the durbin-watson test : Apply Sargan's common factor test to check that the significant serial correlation is not due to miss specified dynamics.
What is the measure of effectiveness for the programs : What is the measure of effectiveness for these programs? Why will this program be effective countering the problem addressed?
What type of methodology would you use to gather your data : If you were a researcher who wanted to investigate depression in older adults, what type of methodology would you use to gather your data? Why?
Define the concept of the dw test and the lm test : Apply the LM test to test for first-order and second-order serial correlation in errors for the estimation of some multiple regression models with the data.
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Explain the omitted-variable regression : Define the term "multicollinearity." Explain how you would detect its presence in a multiple regression equation you have estimated.
How human psychology impacts hci : Using your own life experiences, analyze how your screens and computer-supported media and information have changed over time.


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