How human psychology impacts hci

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Reference no: EM131530101

Human Psychology and Human-Computer Interface

In this assignment, you will study how human psychology and behavior drive the development of human-computer interface.

Using the South University Online Library or the Internet, research about the following:


How human psychology impacts HCI

How human behavior impacts HCI

Using your own life experiences, analyze how your screens and computer-supported media and information have changed over time.

Consider analogue information, such as books and magazines, and analyze what happens to media, information, and entertainment as it moves from paper to screen.

Consider what happens when you are watching a film on the big screen or on the television, on the small screen, and now on real small screens, such as tablets and smart phones.

Based on your research and analysis of your own experiences, complete the following discussions:

Discuss the type of individuals we need to become to consume the varied media mentioned above.

Discuss how HCI, human psychology, and human behavior are closely related in terms of media creation and consumption.

Discuss how play and entertainment have changed for yourself and your family over the past twenty years, due to digital recreation, such as games and interactive storytelling on computers, smart phones, and the Internet.

Reference no: EM131530101

Questions Cloud

Define the concept of the dw test and the lm test : Apply the LM test to test for first-order and second-order serial correlation in errors for the estimation of some multiple regression models with the data.
Price selection with the help of payoff of the call options : Explain your argument for the price selection with the help of payoff of the call options.
What is the market value of its equity : What is the market value of its equity? What is the market value of its equity? What weights should it use in computing its WACC?
Explain the omitted-variable regression : Define the term "multicollinearity." Explain how you would detect its presence in a multiple regression equation you have estimated.
How human psychology impacts hci : Using your own life experiences, analyze how your screens and computer-supported media and information have changed over time.
Conduct some independent online research : Conduct some independent online research on OD career opportunities in your area. Try search terms like: organizational development, organizational effectiveness.
What variables do you expect to be highly correlated : In a study analyzing the determinants of faculty salaries, the results shown on p. 296 were obtained." The dependent variable is 1969-1970 academic year salary.
Compare the scores of two volleyball teams : Compare the scores of two volleyball teams that play each other. To win a match in volleyball, a team must get 25 points.
Discuss the details of their work with their families : How much should a first responder discuss the details of their work with their families?


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