Conduct some independent online research

Assignment Help Management Theories
Reference no: EM131530100


Conduct some independent online research on OD career opportunities in your area. Try search terms like: organizational development, organizational effectiveness, and change management.

For this module''s discussion, please complete the following:

Research two positions that fall under organizational development and in your own words, describe each position, the job functions, and job requirements.

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This assignment talks about two positions that fall under organizational development. Organizational development professionals use behavioral science and an understanding of company goals, systems and strategies to maximize efficiency in the workplace. They also specialize in 'change management' by helping companies adjust to large-scale transitions, such as mergers and reorganizations. They work with top management in diagnosing problems and setting company goals, then create training programs to meet those goals, often incorporating behavioral science to enhance employee satisfaction and productivity. They also help personnel adjust to new procedures during times of change. This assignment is prepared in MS word and it is about 300 words

Reference no: EM131530100

Questions Cloud

Price selection with the help of payoff of the call options : Explain your argument for the price selection with the help of payoff of the call options.
What is the market value of its equity : What is the market value of its equity? What is the market value of its equity? What weights should it use in computing its WACC?
Explain the omitted-variable regression : Define the term "multicollinearity." Explain how you would detect its presence in a multiple regression equation you have estimated.
How human psychology impacts hci : Using your own life experiences, analyze how your screens and computer-supported media and information have changed over time.
Conduct some independent online research : Conduct some independent online research on OD career opportunities in your area. Try search terms like: organizational development, organizational effectiveness.
What variables do you expect to be highly correlated : In a study analyzing the determinants of faculty salaries, the results shown on p. 296 were obtained." The dependent variable is 1969-1970 academic year salary.
Compare the scores of two volleyball teams : Compare the scores of two volleyball teams that play each other. To win a match in volleyball, a team must get 25 points.
Discuss the details of their work with their families : How much should a first responder discuss the details of their work with their families?
Significant stressors for first responder families : Choose one of the following topics:Significant Stressors for First Responder Families,Major Concerns for First Responders Regarding Family Stress.


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