What variables do you expect to be highly correlated

Assignment Help Engineering Mathematics
Reference no: EM131530099

Question: In a study analyzing the determinants of faculty salaries, the results shown on p. 296 were obtained." The dependent variable is 1969-1970 academic year salary. We have omitted eight more other explanatory variables.

(a) Do any of the coefficients have unexpected signs?

(b) Is there a multicollinearity problem? What variables do you expect to be highly correlated?

(c) Teacher rating is the only nonsignificant variable among the variables presented. Can you explain why?

(d) Would dropping the variable T from the equation change the signs of any of the other variables?


(e) The variable F is the number of dissertations supervised since 1964. B is the number of books published. How do you explain the high coefficient for F relative to that of B?

(f) Would you conclude from the coefficient of X that there is sex discrimination?

(g) Compute the partial 2 for experience.

Reference no: EM131530099

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