What is the measure of effectiveness for the programs

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Reference no: EM131530107

Discussion- Special Populations: A Challenge to Juvenile Justice

Assume you were writing a proposal to a city or state administrator to address one of the special populations identified in our text (e.g., early starters, juvenile gangs, or juvenile sex offenders) and explain why juveniles in this category must be treated outside the normal juvenile delinquency programs. What are the benefits to this program in addressing the special population? What is the measure of effectiveness for these programs? Why will this program be effective countering the problem addressed?

Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length. Support your claims with examples from the required material(s) and/or other scholarly resources, and properly cite any references.

Reference no: EM131530107

Questions Cloud

Covered call position-what is the price of the call option : You would like to be holding a covered call position on the stock XYZ. What is the price of the call option?
What should students expect of you as a teacher : What should students expect of you as a teacher? What should parents expect of you as a teacher - Create your philosophy of education
What is reliability and validity : What is reliability and validity? Which type of reliability and validity do you think is most important? Why? Does it depend on the study?
Explain the durbin-watson test : Apply Sargan's common factor test to check that the significant serial correlation is not due to miss specified dynamics.
What is the measure of effectiveness for the programs : What is the measure of effectiveness for these programs? Why will this program be effective countering the problem addressed?
What type of methodology would you use to gather your data : If you were a researcher who wanted to investigate depression in older adults, what type of methodology would you use to gather your data? Why?
Define the concept of the dw test and the lm test : Apply the LM test to test for first-order and second-order serial correlation in errors for the estimation of some multiple regression models with the data.
Price selection with the help of payoff of the call options : Explain your argument for the price selection with the help of payoff of the call options.
What is the market value of its equity : What is the market value of its equity? What is the market value of its equity? What weights should it use in computing its WACC?


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