Compare your evidence with other members of your course

Assignment Help Management Theories
Reference no: EM131496628

Question: Using the definition to analyse a team

Recall a team of which you have been a member. Alternatively, arrange to gather information for this activity from someone who has experience of team working in an organisation.

· To what extent do you feel the team was effective?

· To what extent did it meet the five criteria listed in the definition?

· Can you identify how, if at all, meeting these criteria, or not doing so, affected performance?

· If possible, compare your evidence with other members of your course.

Reference no: EM131496628

Questions Cloud

In what ways would such teams meet the above definition : Note down a few words that express the differences between the examples given. Do some sound more like a group or a team than others?
Evaluating the business operations : Write a 2- to 3-page paper evaluating the business operations and network design of your current organization or a previous employer. Include the following:
Discuss and debate the effects of court outcomes : Discuss/debate the effects of court outcomes for those charged with aggravated assault pertaining to domestic violence.
Describe the company and the companys product : Gulf Regional Legal Environment of Business - Describe the company and the company's product. Reflect the objective of your coursework
Compare your evidence with other members of your course : Recall a team of which you have been a member. Alternatively, arrange to gather information for this activity from someone who has experience of team working.
Appropriate dbms for web application : To choose the appropriate DBMS for your web application, you must research and analyze their functional features.
Can you identify among the members of the team : Recalling the roles within the team, Steve, a member of the project team, said: My job was mainly to ensure that everything in the virtual team runs smoothly.
Observe what is happening in your organisation : Why undertake a case study? The process involved in preparing the Case Study is to observe what is happening in your organisation
Identify in the statement of the problem : Provide a detailed analysis of the problems; identify in the Statement of the Problem. Identify criteria against which you evaluate alternative solutions


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