Describe the company and the companys product

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM131496629

Gulf Regional Legal Environment of Business

In academic affiliation with CARDIFF SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT

A. Written work
- Student name and identification number must be clearly stated at the top of each page of the work. Where work is to be marked anonymously, only include the student number.

- A signed declaration that the work is your own (apart from otherwise referenced acknowledgements) must be included after the title page of your assignment

- Each page must be numbered.
- Where appropriate, a contents page, a list of tables/figures and a list of abbreviations should precede your work.
- All referencing must adhere to School/Institutional requirements.

 A word count must be stated at the end of your work.

 Your programme, year of study and the relevant module must be included as"footer" on each page.

- Appendices should be kept to the minimum and be of direct relevance to the content of your work.
- All tables and figures must be correctly numbered and labelled.
- Your assignment/coursework should be submitted in one A4 transparent pocket unless it is not appropriate to do so (in which case, specific instructions will be provided by your module leader).

B. Other types of coursework/assignments

Guidelines to Students:

Your paper must be in paragraph form with standard margin on each side. The four parts of the paper must have the proper subheading. First: Introduction. In this section, you must write 2 paragraphs which will offer answers to the tasks given. Second, Discussion. You must write 4 paragraphs in this section. Your response must reveal your knowledge about how the chosen company was formed and managed. Moreover, it must display some clear explanations on the process on how your chosen company handles disputes and challenges in case some unexpected circumstances arise. Consequently, you have to explain how your chosen company be liquidated. Third, Conclusion. This section must specify the key points that need to be sorted out from the gathered data and not elsewhere. Fourth, References. Make sure that the sources of the information are correctly cited within the full text of the paper. The citations in the full text of the written assignment must be listed in the reference list section. The correct use of the Harvard referencing format is required. Any literature that is used to support the discussion must be up-to-date or its publication date must be not later than 2006 onwards. The required number of words is 3000.

The tasks to do:

There are venous types of companies covered by commercial laws. Some of these types are conduct general partnerships, limited partnerships, joint ventures, and limited liabilities companies. Conduct some research and choose one company which falls under any of types of companies mentioned earlier. Write your coursework based on the appropriate format listed below.

Introduction. Describe the company and the company's product. Reflect the objective of your coursework.

Discussion. In addition, discuss the essential characteristics of the company you have Discuss specifically how the company you have chosen was formed and managed. Expound the process on how your chosen company handles disputes and challenges in case some unexpected circumstances arise. Explain how your chosen company be liquidated.

Conclusion. Sort out the facts that you have gathered and provide a relevant analysis analysis and persuasive interpretations.

References. Application of Harvard referencing format is a must.

Reference no: EM131496629

Questions Cloud

Understand the uml class diagram : Use the following UML diagram to build the class. The first section specifies the attributes. The second section specifies the behaviors.
In what ways would such teams meet the above definition : Note down a few words that express the differences between the examples given. Do some sound more like a group or a team than others?
Evaluating the business operations : Write a 2- to 3-page paper evaluating the business operations and network design of your current organization or a previous employer. Include the following:
Discuss and debate the effects of court outcomes : Discuss/debate the effects of court outcomes for those charged with aggravated assault pertaining to domestic violence.
Describe the company and the companys product : Gulf Regional Legal Environment of Business - Describe the company and the company's product. Reflect the objective of your coursework
Compare your evidence with other members of your course : Recall a team of which you have been a member. Alternatively, arrange to gather information for this activity from someone who has experience of team working.
Appropriate dbms for web application : To choose the appropriate DBMS for your web application, you must research and analyze their functional features.
Can you identify among the members of the team : Recalling the roles within the team, Steve, a member of the project team, said: My job was mainly to ensure that everything in the virtual team runs smoothly.
Observe what is happening in your organisation : Why undertake a case study? The process involved in preparing the Case Study is to observe what is happening in your organisation



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. Collusion, which can be defined as when work that has been undertaken by or with others is submitted and passed off as solely as the work of one person. This also applies where the work of one candidate is submitted in the name of another. Where this is done with the knowledge of the originator both parties can be considered to be at fault. 3. Fabrication of data, making false claims to have carried out experiments, observations, interviews or other forms of data collection and analysis, or acting dishonestly in any other way.

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