Selection process, HR Management

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Selection Process

Selection is the procedure of picking individuals who have relevant qualifications to appoint for jobs in an organisation. The fundamental purpose is to select the specific that can most successfully perform the job, from the group of qualified candidates.

The selection procedure is a series of steps through which applicants pass for example

  1.   Preliminary Reception
  2.   Employment Tests

Another significant decision in the selection process involves applicant testing and the types of tests to use. A test is a standardised, objective measure of a person's manners, performance or attitude. To simulate is to initiate. Generally, simulation involves creating a model of some real phenomenon and performing experiments then on the model evolved. It is a descriptive, & not an optimizing, technique. In simulation, a given scheme is copied and the constants and variables related with it are manipulated in an artificial environment to check the behaviour of the system. The interview is a nice selection tool in the hands of the person who knows how to utilize it. If it is not used correctly or the interviewer himself is not in a positive frame of mind, mistake can occur.

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