Write an introduction and a meaningful conclusion

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM132016897

Question: Write an introduction and conclusion for a project, should be 1000 words at least in total( 500 words for introduction and 500 words for conclusion)

My project topic is Lemon balm, I have been studying lemon balm with its uses, herbal cures, folklore, recipe, and so on. Please carefully follow my instrution.

Prompt: You have now researched all aspects of your plant. It is time to write an introduction and a meaningful conclusion and make recommendations (or not) for its use. Back up your recommendations! This should be about 1000 words total.

An excellent introduction is really important to set the tone for the paper. It is a good idea to spend extra time polishing the sentence structure and grammar to set the reader up to expect a well-written paper. A thoughtful conclusion with personal recommendation is the final icing on your cake. It wraps everything up in a nice package and summarizes what the reader has learned. It is a very important part of a professional-sounding paper. Bringing in a personal connection when appropriate gives the reader a chance to know you through your opinions.

Reference no: EM132016897

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