Writing an effective business letter

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM132078

Writing an effective business letter

Prepare a letter in either block or modified block format, addressed to your employer or supervisor and copied to your marker, detailing the progress you have made so far in completing your report. If you do not have an employer, use the position and made-up name you used for Assignment. Your letter should be between 650 and 850 words. Give a proposed formal outline for the report and paste this into your assignment, following the last page of your letter.

In the Work Completed section of your letter, give some preliminary findings about the cause of the problem. These preliminary findings will transfer over into the Causes section of your report, so it is to your benefit to give clear information here.

Note that any recommendations you include in this section of your letter have to be suggestions for what should be done next in the investigation - not the recommendations you will give in your report. Do not give your report's recommendations here.

Thus, if you wish to provide preliminary final recommendations in the appropriate section of your outline, so that you can receive feedback on them from your marker, you may do so.

Include the following information in the body of your letter. The Background section is optional.

1. Purpose Statement
2. Background
3. Work Completed (includes Preliminary Findings and Unexpected Problems)
4. Work Yet to Be Completed
5. Cost Analysis
6. Conclusion

Reference no: EM132078

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