Transformational leadership in the public sector

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM131307

Transformational Leadership in the Public Sector: Does Structure Matter?

Research Question

The more hierarchical an organization's authority structure, the lower the reported practice of transformational leadership behaviors.

The weaker the lateral/upward communication in an organization, the lower the reported practice of transformational leadership behaviors.

The greater organizational formalization (measured as [3a] procurement red tape and [3b] human resource red tape), the lower the reported practice of
transformational leadership behaviors.

The more an organization's structure impedes the establishment of extrinsic reward-performance contingencies (here measured as human resource red tape), the higher the reported practice of transformational leadership behaviors.

The use of organizational performance measures will decrease the reported transformational leadership behaviors

The Effect Of Transactional and Transformational Leadership Styles on the Organizational Commitment and Job Satisfaction of Customer Contact Personnel

Research Question

Two of the most universally researched mechanisms of employee attitude are organizational commitment and job satisfaction.

To be a bit more precisely, it contains three aspects: (1) a strong belief in and acceptance of the organization's goals and values; (2) a willingness to exert considerable effort on behalf of the organization; and (3) a strong desire to maintain membership in the organization.

Effect Of The Transcendental Meditation Program On Graduation, College Acceptance and Dropout Rates For Students Attending An Urban Public High School

Research Question

Each student was classified into a certain category by the school as: 1) graduating (June or July, 2009 graduation date); 2) not graduating but still were enrolled in the high school; 3) transferring to another School; 4) enlisting in the army; 5) being a dropout; or 6) entering prison.

For this particular reason it was used to determine the percentage of students by group who graduated in the Spring/Summer of 2009, the number of graduates was divided by the total number of students, excluding transfer students and those who enlisted in the Army.

Reference no: EM131307

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