Discuss the story of world civilization

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM132016894

Question: Write a 1400-1500 word analytical essay telling the story of world civilization, from the beginning of man until the 20th century, from a student's perspective. In this student interpretation of world civilization the goal is to discover a common theme that connects the different historical periods and civilizations discussed in the various readings and documentaries. Students must have supporting evidence from the primary document readings (that is, use the primary documents to support your thesis statement and to provide proof for individual perspectives). Use only the primary documents I uploaded in the weekly modules as the sources for your essay. You are not required to do extra research. In fact, I strongly recommend you do not do extra research. (I require all students to write their essays in Times New Roman, 12 font, 1" margins on right, left, top and bottom. If you follow these directions, you will have an essay that is 4-5 pages).

Reference no: EM132016894

Questions Cloud

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Discuss the story of world civilization : Write a 1400-1500 word analytical essay telling the story of world civilization, from the beginning of man until the 20th century, from a student's perspective.
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Explain the scenario using concepts from your resources : Provide a scenario you have experienced or something you have read or heard that illustrates similar interpersonal communication issues as those presented.


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