Write about the tone-dramatices using given scenarios

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Reference no: EM132308071

Question: Tone- Dramatic

Two brothers belong to a very simple family. They are not well to do. Their father is a police officer who belongs to a department that is extremely corrupt. Every other family lives a much better life as they do not have to worry.

Scene 1- The two brothers walk into the room to speak to their father. They want to ask him for some money so they can buy something which they need for college. The father asks them how much they need. They tell him the amount and the father refuses them as he cannot afford this amount. This leads to an argument and the two brothers storm out.

Scene 2- The two brothers discuss how they wish their father was like other officers so that they could at least get what they want. Their mother overhears them discussing this and storms into the room. She tells them respect means everything to their father and he would rather die before losing this respect.

Scene 3- The two brothers are walking to class and they are passed by a man in a car that seems extremely well to do. They discuss that he belongs to one of the biggest crime families in the country. They also discuss how they wish that their life could be similar to the one he is leading. They collectively decide that they will try joining this persons gang so they can also start leading a life closer to what they want.

Reference no: EM132308071

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