Determine why the nazi did not like modern art

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Reference no: EM132308075

Question: (This paper should be at least 3 pages, double-spaced, 12pt Times New Roman font) When you use sources for this essay make sure that you cite the information that you use, if you quote directly from a source. Plagiarism will not be tolerated on this final essay. A. Discuss Modern Art and the art exhibit that the Nazi's had called "Degenerate Art".

(This paper should be at least 3 pages, double-spaced, 12pt Times New Roman font) When you use sources for this essay make sure that you cite the information that you use, if you quote directly from a source. Plagiarism will not be tolerated on this final essay. A. Discuss Modern Art and the art exhibit that the Nazi's had called "Degenerate Art".

? Explain the transition from Realism to Modern Art. Explain characteristics, possible historical reasons for the change in style from Realism to the Modern Art movement. List some of the artists from the following Art Movements: Impressionist, Post-Impressionist, Fauvist, Expressionist, Cubist, Dadaist, Surrealism, Abstract Expressionist and PopArt.

? Consider why the Nazi's didn't like Modern Art and chose to call this form of art degenerate. Give specific reasons why the Nazi's attacked ModernArt.

? In the past people have been condemned for their art and views. Examples of certain ideals for art prior to the Nazi's and "Degenerate Art Exhibit" were the Spanish Inquisition, the Salon of Paris, and due to various religions. Discuss and argue whether or not you feel that government or groupsshould dictate what is considered to be art. Give specific points asto why you feel the way you do.

Reference no: EM132308075

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