Searching textual documents-advanced filtering

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM132609373

Discussion 1:

"Searching Textual Documents" Please respond to the following:

Your company has been hired to design a product that will provide searches of textual documents and database querying. Your design team has not developed a product like this before. Examine the challenges associated with searching in textual documents and database querying. Describe how the five-stage search framework shared in Chapter 13 could be used to overcome those challenges.

Assess current multimedia document search techniques and suggest three techniques to improve multimedia search experiences. Explain why you chose to recommend each of the techniques you suggested.

Discussion 2:

"Advanced Filtering" Please respond to the following:

Describe the most effective advanced filtering and search interface. Argue why the interface you chose is more effective than others, and describe who benefits most from the interface you are describing.

From the e-Activity, Google has been the dominant market leader for search engines for the past several years, despite a fairly basic interface and competition from competitors like Microsoft and Yahoo. Discuss reasons why Google has been able to maintain such a high market share. Also, suggest some ideas for a search engine that would be able to take market share away from Google.

Reference no: EM132609373

Questions Cloud

Relational database model allows database : A relational Database Model allows database users to analyze data thoroughly.
Concepts of competitive advantage : The concepts of competitive advantage is as important for-not-for profit organizations it is for-profit organization.
Implement a business plan : -What external experts or consultants would you engage to assist you in preparing a business plan? Outline what each expert might contribute.
How is the patients anonymity protected : One way to determine a patient's needs and to extrapolate or infer those needs to other patients is through questionnaires. However, how do you complete.
Searching textual documents-advanced filtering : Your company has been hired to design a product that will provide searches of textual documents and database querying.
How can a company deal with the impact : How can a company deal with the impact if it already has multiple sales channels? Explain it!
Determining market segmentation : What should the company pay attention to in determining market segmentation? Give an example
Steps in making an e-marketing plan : Give an explanation regarding the steps in making an e-marketing plan for a travel agent company!
Describe the organization environment : Describe the organization's environment, and evaluate its preparedness for virtualization. Explain Microsoft licensing for virtualized environments


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