What is the main advantage of using master pages

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM132632


(a) What is the main advantage of using master pages?

(b) Explain the purpose and advantage of using styles?

(c) Name the key tools you need for working with text and graphics in Indesign?

(d) Name two ways that you can turn a single column text frame into a multiple column text frame?

(e) How can you tell if an aspect of a layout will cause output problems?

(f) Explain clearly how to change the numbering scheme in Adobe Indesign Cs3?


(a) What is the difference between a Character style and a Paragraph style?

(b) If type is ignoring the baseline grid, how would you correct this situation?

(c) Explain clearly how you would create a new colour swatch in Indesign Cs3

(d) Why is it important to maintain graphic files?

(e) List at least three reasons why you would convert an InDesign document to an Adobe PDF file?

(f) Refering to using table in InDesign, explain how you would select

1. An entire row

2. A column

3. The entire table


Scenario: Mr Joe has been placing regular advertisements in many magazines. His ads are created in Indesign Cs3 and he would like to include a PDF version in each of the magazines. This means that his advertisement have to be saved in PDF high resolution for printing purposes.

Explain clearly the steps you would follow for converting Mr Joe's Indesign file into a PDF file for print

Reference no: EM132632

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