Steps in making an e-marketing plan

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM132609370

Give an explanation regarding the steps in making an e-marketing plan for a travel agent company!

Reference no: EM132609370

Questions Cloud

How is the patients anonymity protected : One way to determine a patient's needs and to extrapolate or infer those needs to other patients is through questionnaires. However, how do you complete.
Searching textual documents-advanced filtering : Your company has been hired to design a product that will provide searches of textual documents and database querying.
How can a company deal with the impact : How can a company deal with the impact if it already has multiple sales channels? Explain it!
Determining market segmentation : What should the company pay attention to in determining market segmentation? Give an example
Steps in making an e-marketing plan : Give an explanation regarding the steps in making an e-marketing plan for a travel agent company!
Describe the organization environment : Describe the organization's environment, and evaluate its preparedness for virtualization. Explain Microsoft licensing for virtualized environments
What balance should appear in the Investment : Assuming Alison uses the equity method, what balance should appear in the Investment in Holister account as of December 31, 2018
Describe the concepts of successful benchmarking : Based on the concepts of successful benchmarking described in the article, describe how you will embrace, adopt, and implement benchmarking for your coding.
Explain the use of crm in the process of retaining customers : Explain the use of CRM in the process of retaining customers!


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