Pros and cons of using a diversified workforce

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Reference no: EM132162921 , Length: 2 pages


Watch the following video of "Diversity Challenges: What Would You Do"?

Think about the following questions

"What kind of differences among employees can you identify in this company?

What are those pros and cons of using a diversified workforce?

How would you prepare yourself to work with these different others if you work in this company?"

Post your answers to the discussion forum.

Read one post and respond to that post.

Reference no: EM132162921

Questions Cloud

What is the future worth of IRA : A new engineer is considering investing in an individual retirement account (IRA) with a mutual fund that has an average annual return of 10%.
What was your contribution to the collective report : CASE STUDY SELF REFLECTION - What was your contribution to the collective report - are you satisfied with your result
Find amount of the remaining equal end-of-year deposits : The Association of General Contractors (AGC) is endowing a fund of $1 million for the Construction Engineering Technology Program at Grambling State University.
Analyzing the legal issues raised by the article or case : Write a paper between 1000 to 1500words analyzing the legal issues raised by the article or case , the implication of the case for business manager.
Pros and cons of using a diversified workforce : What kind of differences among employees can you identify in this company and What are those pros and cons of using a diversified workforce
What was the future worth of Ayn deposits : After receiving an inheritance of $25,000 on her 21st birthday, Ayn deposited the inheritance in a savings account with an effective annual interest rate of 6%.
What is the most practical and easily applied lesson : What is the most practical and easily applied lesson you learned by answering the previous questions? What was the hardest to grasp?
What is the youngest age at which don can retire : Don Ball is a 55-year-old engineer. According to mortality tables, a male at age 55 has an average life expectancy of 21 more years.
What is in the account at the end of six years : A company deposits $1000 in a bank at the beginning of each year for 6 years. The account earns 8% interest, compounded every 6 months.


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