Find amount of the remaining equal end-of-year deposits

Assignment Help Microeconomics
Reference no: EM132162923

Question: The Association of General Contractors (AGC) is endowing a fund of $1 million for the Construction Engineering Technology Program at Grambling State University. The AGC established an escrow account in which 10 equal end-of-year deposits that earn 7% compound interest were to be made. After seven deposits, the Louisiana legislature revised laws relating to the licensing fees AGC can charge its members, and there was no deposit at the end of Year 8. What must the amount of the remaining equal end-of-year deposits be, to ensure that the $1 million is available on schedule for the Construction Engineering Technology Program?

Reference no: EM132162923

Questions Cloud

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Find amount of the remaining equal end-of-year deposits : The Association of General Contractors (AGC) is endowing a fund of $1 million for the Construction Engineering Technology Program at Grambling State University.
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