How open-source software products-successful growth strategy

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM1369636

With IBM's plan to give away some of it's IT assets and intellectual property, as well as increase support of open-source software products like Linux, be a successful growth strategy in the "brutally competitive marketplace" in which it operates? Why or why not?

Reference no: EM1369636

Questions Cloud

Find the equilibrium rate of return : Assume the market can be described through the following three sources of systematic risk with associated risk premiums.
Explain what are profitability ratios : Explain what are profitability ratios and who uses them and why? What do Dell and HP's profitability ratios suggest?
Explain effect of an open market purchase on interest rates : Explain effect of an open market purchase on interest rates. Make sure you discuss liquidity effect, real income effect, price level effect and inflationary expectations effect.
Explain operations managers have learned that quality : Explain Operations managers have learned that quality control is not a never- ending process. Just before you add packaging to the finished product
How open-source software products-successful growth strategy : Open-source software products like Linux, be successful growth strategy in "brutally competitive marketplace" in which it operates? Why or why not?
Important information about data collection : Important information about Data collection - telephone; used for clarifying issues, checking discrepancies, or obtaining data overlooked by other collection methods and mailed questionnaire; used for collecting formal survey data.
Calculate the size of the output gap : Suppose the following data about the demand for goods and services. All variables are in billions of dollars. Suppose that potential level of output is $12,000 billion. Use the above data to calculate the size of the output gap?
How can you explain this apparent inconsistency : smaller multiplier means that change in government purchases of goods and services, government transfers, or taxes necessary to close an inflationary or recessionary gap is larger. How can you explain this apparent inconsistency.
Explain how would the information shown on the cash flow : Explain How would the information above be shown on the Cash Flow Statement?


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