Design a function that computes a taxi fare

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Reference no: EM1332359

Write a function that computes a taxi fare. In some cities, taxi fares are calculated based on start and end zones plus a per-minute charge. In this city, there are three zones (1, 2, and 3) and a graduated scale for time. Thus, your function should receive three parameters: the starting zone, the ending zone, and the time of the ride. It should return the total fare for the ride. Use the following table for your calculations:

Start zone End zone Base charge
1 1 $5.00
1 2 $7.00
1 3 $8.00
2 1 $7.00
2 2 $5.00
2 3 $9.00
3 1 $8.00
3 2 $9.00
3 3 $5.00

Time is more than But is not over Charge
0 minutes 4 minutes $0.75 per minute
4 minutes 10 minutes $3.00 plus $0.50 per minute over 4 minutes
10 minutes 20 minutes $6.00 plus $0.40 per minute over 10 minutes
20 minutes No limit $10.00 plus $0.30 per minute over 20 minutes

Reference no: EM1332359

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