Create an outline of your paper

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM131453065

Poor Healthcare Management

The Need for Approaches to Improve Case Administration and Repayment in the Healthcare System

Create an outline of your paper. Remember the template from the beginning of the semester and use this as your guide:

1. Title page

2. Abstract

3. Introduction--ending with a thesis.

4. Mapping paragraph--this will be especially important in the long paper that you will be writing. Remember that these points should reflect the main points that show up in the body of your paper.

5. Background--here you can give some background on the topic, especially if it is necessary for your chosen audience.

6. Main arguments--you should have at least two points here, subdivided. More likely, you will have three to four distinct main points. At some point within this section, or before this section, you should include a counterargument to your perspective.

7. Conclusion

8. References page.

PLEASE NOTE: For this paper you may use the traditional paper format or you can use subheadings. Please let me know if you would like to use subheadings, which is a format used more in technical writing documents.

Attachment:- poor_healthcare_management.rar

Reference no: EM131453065

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