How to integrate social media into our communications

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM131453066 , Length: word count : 500

To lead in the modern age, we must learn how to integrate social media into our communications strategy. You should complete these four tasks:

1. Investigate at least two of the articles or videos aboutthe link as follow

2. Please must.Read the article mentioned the linkLeadership Communication text: Chris Brogan's 50 Ideas on Using Twitter.

3. State which article or video you like OR which idea of Brogan's you like best and why.

4. Give one positive example how you have seen a company use social media to further its leadership communication or marketing goals.

Notice :

o Your example should include the company name, the type of social media used, the description of how the company used the social media tool, and why you thought it furthered the company's communication goals.

o While Brogan's article focuses on using Twitter, your example can include any type of social media.

500 words double space APA

Reference no: EM131453066

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