Adsorption and membranes processes

Assignment Help Chemical Engineering
Reference no: EM13560

Write a report on Application of reverse osmosis principles for the desalination of sea water.

The consumable water on earth is decreasing, so it is vital to have an alternative source.Sea water is purified (desalinated) using reverse osmosis process. Reverse osmosis is the reverse of natural osmosis phenomena, where high pressure is applied to reverse the process.

Report inhibits:

  • Introduction
  • Osmosis and Reverse osmosis
  • Desalination of sea water using reverse osmosis
  • Membrane modules used in Reverse osmosis
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Reverse osmosis in desalination process.
  • Cleaning of RO membranes
  • Conclusion
  • Reference list

Reference no: EM13560

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Equal rates of mass transfer for the production of the fine chemical are required. This is often required for certain types of organic synthesis.

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