Show misconceptions about human resource management, HR Management

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Q. Show Misconceptions about human resource management?

Lack of expertise: many managers criticize human resource people for having little interest in or knowledge of the other important areas of the organization. Human resource people suffer from ivory tower thinking. They have a fairly high regard for theoretical prescriptions but when it comes to translate the sterile rhetoric into concrete action they tend to develop cold feet and seek shelter behind a mountain of rules and regulation.

Alienation from the mainstream: operating managers quite often view of the human resource specialists as do goobers. Manager holding such views develop a nature aversion toward personnel managers only why the latter talk about poor working conditions and in justifies that share at really making the less fortunate employees from time to time.

Fascination with the latest fads: many operating managers think that human resource people have an obsession with promoting the latest fads in the human resource field. in an attempt to find a ‘personal cure all' personal people try to harp on the latest HRM buzzwords without really making a serious attempt to look into the dark side of the moon.

Lack of the respect: personal positions do not always attract the best in many organizations. Often the human resource area is viewed as a demotion or a dead end job, especially in those organizations where unsuccessful operating managers are planted in human resource areas. "Staffing the human resource department with the people who have little or no expertise in the field results in a continual downgrading of the department".

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