Explain exclusion diets, Biology

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Explain Exclusion diets

Exclusion diets: Specific dietary exclusion becomes a necessity  in  case of  food allergy or food intolerance.  The therapeutic use of  such  diets requires a  detailed discussion between the patient and the dietitian. Each patient is provided with a list of foods that are permissible and avoided. Also, the need of scrutinize the ingredient lists in all convenience and manufactured foods  is emphasized. The examples of these diets include:

- Wheat free diet: Here, foods  to be avoided are ordinary bread, biscuits, cakes, pastries, pasta and spaghetti and all wheat-containing breakfast cereals.

- Milk free diet  : As  the name implies, all foods containing milk protein must be avoided such as cheese, yoghurt, cream,  ice-cream and butter.


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