What is its significance to workers handling pesticides

Assignment Help Chemical Engineering
Reference no: EM132277


a) What are the four significant physical parameters that you would use to assess the thermal comfort of employees working in a hot and humid environment?

b) Name the five components of a typical local exhaust ventilation system and their respective functions

c) Name two analytical methods currently used in Industrial Hygiene. Illustrate your answer with a typical example

d) What does LD 50 mean in Industrial Toxicology? What is its significance to workers handling pesticides?

e) What units are used to quantify the standard service illuminance for specific work activities? Name the instrument used to appraise the lighting level in a workplace?


Define the features of the two main types of industrial ventilation systems used to control airborne contaminants in the work environment and list their respective limitations?


Explain the importance of Occupational Hygiene Standards in ensuring high level of safety within the workplace. Describe briefly the different Threshold Limit Values (TLVs) used by Industrial Hygienists in controlling hazardous substances at work


You are the registered Safety & Health Officer of a textile milling factory. The Occupational Safety & Health Inspectorate has told management that your workforce is being exposed to high level noise. The reaction of management was to ask you to provide hearing protective devices to employees

How would you estimate the noise problem at the factory and what control measures would you consider before you recommend the supply of protective equipment to personnel exposed to excessive noise ?


The monitoring of airborne contaminants has long been relied on the taking of air samples to assess occupational exposure levels. Describe the different components of a sampling train?

Outline the 5 common drawbacks that an Industrial Hygienist has to avoid to ensure valid air sampling at the workplace

Reference no: EM132277

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