What interested you about the reading

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM131559675

Would like if you are able to help me out with an assignment that i have use the actual text book on it.

book Im using for Hist 381

The Textbook that im utilizing

The Story of Christianity, Volume 1: The Early Church to the Dawn of the Reformation 2010 edition Author: Gonzalez, Justo L.. (Harper Collins) ISBN: 978­0­06­185588­7

and the paper has to be written this way: This is a REACTION PAPER

Please write a two­page summary of the week's reading.? Of the two pages,?one and a half?pages should be a summary of the material to be read, and the last half­page should be the student's reaction to the material.?

Answer the question, "what interested you about the reading, and why?" Papers should be double­spaced, and only your name and the name of the class should be on the top of the page.? Thus, the text should begin as close to the top of the first page as possible.

Chapters 6-8 and 10-12 from the actual book. can not be from other sources it has to be from the book im utilizing.

Reference no: EM131559675

Questions Cloud

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What interested you about the reading : What interested you about the reading, and why?" Papers should be double­spaced, and only your name and the name of the class should be on the top of the page.?
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