Welfare cost of this rent seeking activity

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM131515648

Microeconomics - Externalities Question

The demand for gummy bears is given by Q = 200 - 100P and these confections can be produced at a constant marginal cost of $0.50.

a. How much will sweet tooth inc be willing to pay in bribes to obtain a monopoly concession from the government for gummy bear production?

b. Do the bribes represent a welfare cost from rent seeking?

c. What is the welfare cost of this rent seeking activity?

Reference no: EM131515648

Questions Cloud

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Is there a major difference between two pieces of equipments : Construct a 95 percent confidence interval for the difference between the proportions of service contracts sold on treadmills versus exercise bikes
Welfare cost of this rent seeking activity : What is the welfare cost of this rent seeking activity?
What you now know about statistical inference : Based on what you now know about statistical inference, is Sara's conclusion a logical conclusion? Why or why not
Real interest rate and output in the short run : Describe how each of the following developments affects the two curves, and thus how it affects the real interest rate and output in the short run:
Briefly describe jit inventory management : Describe an incremental cash flow for a project. Briefly describe JIT inventory management. Describe one type of cost that is minimized with JIT control.
Firm charge for product b to maximize profit : If the firm does not bundle the products, what single price should the firm charge for product B to maximize profit?


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