Standard deviation of the sampling distribution

Assignment Help Management Theories
Reference no: EM132158906

A sample of 116 randomly selected students found that the proportion of students planning to travel home for Thanksgiving is 0.68. What is the standard deviation of the sampling distribution?

Reference no: EM132158906

Questions Cloud

What are the real options available to the company : According to the authors of "Value Creation at Anheuser-Busch", what are the real options available to the company specifically or to the industry in general
Expectation of the measurement : How do you find the sampling distribution of a sampled average if you know the expectation of the measurement, the standard deviation and the sample size.
Calculate the probability of getting exactly : You are using the binomial probability distribution to calculate the probability of getting exactly 15 heads in flipping a coin 25 times. what is n?
What is the standard deviation for a binomial distribution : What is the standard deviation for a binomial distribution where the probability of success is .2 and the number of trials is 22?
Standard deviation of the sampling distribution : What is the standard deviation of the sampling distribution?
Standard deviation for the distribution of rushing yards : Based on this information, what is the value of the standard deviation for the distribution of rushing yards?
What is the lowest possible score a student needs : To be accepted to the veterinarian school at State University, applicants must have an entrance exam score within the 95th percentile.
What is audra debt payment-to-income ratio : Audra has a monthly net income of $2,100. She has a house Payment of $900 per month, What is Audra's debt payment-to-income ratio
Second goal given that he made the first goal : P(B) = 0:65. Carlos tends to shoot in streaks. The probability that he makes the second goal GIVEN that he made the first goal is 0.90.


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