Solving multiple choice finance problems

Assignment Help Finance Basics
Reference no: EM1354225

Which of the following is the least issued security by U.S. corporations?
b.Preferred stock
c. Common stock
d.Both a and b

Which of the following is the most important factor that affects a firm's financing mix?
a.The amount of EPS
b.The amount of operating income
c.The number of shares that are outstanding
d.Business risk

From the information below, select the optimal capital structure for Mountain High Corp.
a.Debt = 40%; Equity = 60%; EPS = $2.95; Stock price = $26.50
b.Debt = 50%; Equity = 50%; EPS = $3.05; Stock price = $28.90
c.Debt = 60%; Equity = 40%; EPS = $3.18; Stock price = $31.20
d.Debt = 80%; Equity = 20%; EPS = $3.42; Stock price = $30.40
e.Debt = 70%; Equity = 30%; EPS = $3.31; Stock price = $30.00

Which of the following motivates corporations to enter into stock repurchase programs?
a.Favorable impact on EPS
b.Expected favorable impact on stock price
c.To modify the firm's capital structure
d.All of the above
e.None of the above

Reference no: EM1354225

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