Review case of fortune funding llc v ceridian corporation

Assignment Help Management Theories
Reference no: EM131494481

Question: Ceridian Corporation built an office tower in Minnesota. Fourteen years later, to raise needed capital, it sold the building and leased it back, becoming the tenant instead of the owner. The buyer eventally sold the building to Fortune Funding. One month before the lease expired, Fortune requested that Ceridian repair the exterior wall of the building and replace the elevator system. Ceridian claimed that as the lease only required that the property be returned in the same condition it was in when the lease began, except for ordinary wear and tear, it was not responsible for major items like replacing an exterior wall and an elevator system. Is Ceridian's claim correct? (Fortune Funding, LLC v. Ceridian Corporation, 368 F.3d 985)

Reference no: EM131494481

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