Instructional leadership

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM13919

Instructional Leadership

Group 1

1. What instructional technology and techniques increase student achievement?

2. Does single-gender education increase student achievement?

3. Does class size impact student achievement?

4. How does the school schedule such as recess, length of core time, lunch, physical activity and specials impact student achievement?

5. Do restrictions like dress code increase learning?

6. Does daily homework increase student achievement or hinder it?

7. Does introducing foreign language early on increase academic achievement?

8. As an instructional leader, it is imperative to have the same core beliefs and values as your system/district?

9. Does your planning model increase student achievement?

10. What needs to happen in a teacher observation to increase student achievement?

Group 2

1. What instructional technology and techniques does research prove are beneficial? Detrimental?

2. Does moving students from single-gender education to co-ed increase student achievement?

3. Do gender separate classrooms really increase student achievement?

4. Does class size impact student achievement?

5. How does the school schedule such as recess, length of core time, lunch, physical activity and specials impact student achievement?

6. Specifically for at-risk kids do the opportunities for leadership correlate with higher achievement?

7. How can districts and teacher unions do a better job to collaborate to allow educators to observe and reflect on best instructional practices?

8. In an ideal co-taught class, what are the academic benefits for both regular education students and special education students?

9. Does the grouping of grades, one per building, effect student achievement?

10. How can schools better utilize the teachers demonstrating best practices for the teachers who are struggling to raise student achievement?

Group 3

1. What instructional technology and techniques does research prove are beneficial? Detrimental?

2. Does moving students from single-gender education to co-ed increase student achievement? Do gender separate classrooms really increase student achievement?

3. Does research demonstrate that teacher observations reflect the day to day practices accurately of said teachers. Why don't districts and teacher unions do a better job to collaborate to allow educators to observe and reflect on best instructional practices?

4. Does time of day affect the student's achievement in specific skills or classes? How does the school schedule such as recess, length of core time, lunch, physical activity and specials impact student achievement?

5. Does class size impact student achievement? How does it impact student learning?

6. What does research suggest is the appropriate amount of assigned homework? Does daily homework increase student achievement or hinder it?

7. Do male teachers have more of an effect on at-risk males' achievement at school?

8. Is there a particular type of homework that increases student achievement?

9. What is the appropriate investment of time on homework daily?

10. Is the time utilized to enforce dress code worth the impact on student achievement?

Reference no: EM13919

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