Implement the network using Packet Tracer

Assignment Help Computer Networking
Reference no: EM132002490

Assignment -

Question 7 - Download Q7_CSC3407.pkt.

USQHome is a home appliance retailer. The sales department has 12 computers, the warehouse has 2 computers and the management uses 3 PCs. Base on Q7_CSC3407.pkt, implement the network for USQMini using Packet Tracer v7.1.1:

Sales Department:

  • has 12 computers;
  • belongs to VLAN 10;
  • uses /24 network;
  • gateway address is /24; and
  • all computers uses DHCP to get their IP addresses from RUSQMini when boot up.

Warehouse Department:

  • has 2 computers;
  • belongs to VLAN 20;
  • gateway address is 192.16821.254 /24; and
  • uses /24 network.

Management Department:

  • has 3 computers; belongs to VLAN 30;
  • gateway address is /24; and
  • uses /24 network.

RUSQMini is the gateway router for USQMini and connects to the ISP router RISP.

The serial link which connects the two routers uses addresses /24 and /24.

The LAN on the RISP side (for connectivity test) uses network and the gateway address is /24.

Port security is enabled for VLAN 10. Port security should allow maximum of 1 mac address and sticky.

RUSQMini will only allow VLAN 10 to reach the Internet and NAT the private addresses using PAT.

Both RUSQMini and RISP will use static route(s) to talk to each other.

Submit your answer as Q7answer.pkt.

Question 8 - Download Q8_CSC3407.pkt.

In Q8_CSC3407.pkt all PCs and ping each other until a hacker came along and modified the configuration files of the routers. As the network administrator, and assuming the IP addresses listed in the network topology are correct, you are asked to fix the problems.

List all the problems you can find.

Suggest a way to fix each of the problems.

Put all tour answers in Q8.pdf.

Implement the fixes and submit your PKT file as Q8answer.pkt.

Note - Just want you guys to do question number 7 and question number 8 using that pkt files. Thanks.

Attachment:- Assignment Files.rar

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This assignment was about the troubleshooting of the IP based network. The issue were already there into the network and which needed to be solved. I identified the Network issues and mismatch in configuration then Note the Problems and note down the Solution for each issue and implemented the same in packet tracer.

Reference no: EM132002490

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