Identify strong and weak responses to interview questions

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Reference no: EM131687530

Question: Reducing Your Anxiety About Possible Hiring Interview Questions

ASSIGNMENT: Make a list of three or four interview questions you may face in your new graduate interview, which you feel most insecure about answering. Then, share your questions with a small group of your peers. Work together to identify strong and weak responses to those interview questions. Make sure that every individual in the group has a chance to get feedback about the interview questions they are most anxious about.

Reference no: EM131687530

Questions Cloud

What are some of the issues you as project manager will need : Project Team and Stakeholder Management essay- What are some of issues you, as the project manager will need to be concerned about in forming the project team?
Identify its customer value proposition-its revenue model : Identify its customer value proposition, its revenue model, the marketspace it operates in,
Continue producing a good : Discuss why a firm may decide to continue producing a good even if its price may be less than the average total cost.
How would you respond to sam : How would you respond to Sam? Should you hire him? Identify the major issues in this situation. Support your hiring decision with rationale from this chapter.
Identify strong and weak responses to interview questions : Make a list of three or four interview questions you may face in your new graduate interview, which you feel most insecure about answering.
Identify three human behavior trends : Identify three human behavior trends found in 21st century organizations.
Summarize the main idea argument points of the article : Summarize the main idea/argument/points of the article. Explain why this information is relevant or interesting
Discuss what type of leadership styles he displayed : Talk about the president featured and discuss what type of leadership styles he displayed.
Social media and social networks have impacted globalization : Discuss how social media and social networks have impacted globalization, What are some of the pros and cons of globalization and free trade?


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