How would kate monitor and control the project

Assignment Help Project Management
Reference no: EM131688870

Laying the groundwork for a Project Governance Plan

How will you track progress on this project? Prepare a proposal for a Project Governance Plan.


Kate now needs to know how The ATA should be tracking the project's progress without imposing a complex process on a relative low value project (as important to the East Timor society as it is) and overloading her limited resources. In particular, she wants to know how her finance is tracking, how well the project is adhering to the schedule, how well her risk plan is working and whether there is any emerging risk and anything else you deem necessary for project reporting and governance purposes. More importantly, how will all this data be reported and presented, and how frequently? The CEO needs a regular project summary so that she can keep the Board up to date on the project achievements.

We recommend you watch *all* of the ATA videos before you begin your assessment activities. You may need to review these specific videos for this assessment task:


Now the planning for the project has largely been completed and you have most of your plans formalised, i.e., risk management plans, your project schedule baselined, budget and resource plan. The questions are:

1. How would Kate monitor and control the project, and

2. What type of information/data should Kate be providing the stakeholders and the CEO so that they can be assured that the project is proceeding as planned?

The latter is an area that requires a degree of ingenuity from the project manager and the team. Once you have decided what monitoring and controlling processes should be implemented, the challenge is how to present this to an international audience and to a busy CEO? Keep in mind that English is not the international stakeholders' language in many instances and certainly is not the national language of East Timor. This particular activity is critical to project governance.

Scope of the task

Submit a proposal detailing:

1. The methodology that you would recommend for cost and schedule tracking and the reason why you have chosen them over other methods. Outline the advantages and risks of using the monitoring and controlling methods that you have chosen and also the ones that you have rejected.

2. The format and structure of these project reports. For example: what kind of data should be presented? Do you just present the actual hours used or dollars spent for the reporting period? What about explanation and commentary? Provide explanations as to why you prefer the recommended structure and your decision on reporting this data over others. Please note that these are reports for the project manager/team and the Governance Board, NOT for the CEO and the Board.

3. The frequency of the project Governance Board meeting and who should attend? Explain why you have selected those attendees.

4. The format and structure for the CEO and Board project report. Similarly, explain the reasons why you have chosen this reporting format and structure.

Your proposal should be presented in an essay format. It needs to look and sound professional and to be suitable for tabling in an official meeting.

Attachment:- Project Governance Plan.rar

Verified Expert

The task pertains to making the project report and suggesting the way to present it. The various ways to do the cost cutting and monitoring have been discussed. the advantages and the limitations have been depicted in order to determine the best for Kate.Further, the need for the meetings at various levels of the organization has been explained using the table. The frequency of the meetings have discussed well in the table. Further, the report to be presented to the CEO must include some of the specific points. Thus, the business content has been well drafted.

Reference no: EM131688870

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10/24/2017 3:53:41 AM

Writing quality, including spelling & grammar ? Excellent use of language throughout, demonstrates expressiveness, precision, and clarity. Spelling, grammar, punctuation are all excellent, with no errors. ? Language is generally sound and clear throughout. Spelling, grammar, punctuation are good with very few and minor errors. ? Clear enough to be understood; minimal confused or unclear expression. Spelling, punctuation, grammar acceptable but could be improved. ? Clear enough to be understood. May have some confused or unclear expression. May have a few moderate or several minor issues with spelling, punctuation, grammar. ? Mostly unclear or confused expression. Major errors with spelling, grammar, punctuation. (10% of total mark) (8 – 10 marks (7 marks (6 marks (5 marks (<5 marks


10/24/2017 3:53:31 AM

Use of relevant & credible sources of information ? Exceeds requirements for the use of academic and/or professional body publications. Correct formatting of in-text citations and references following APA style with all references correctly cited. ? Excellent use of academic and/or professional body publications. Meets requirements, no quality or relevance improvement requires. Correct formatting of in-text citations and references following APA with all references correctly cited. ? Good use of academic and/or professional body publications. Meets requirements, but only minor quality or relevance improvement requires. Minimal errors in formatting of in-text citations and references following APA with most references correctly cited. ? Use of academic and/or professional body publications meet requirements but quality or relevance could be improved. May have some errors in formatting of in-text citations and references following APA style with some references correctly cited.


10/24/2017 3:53:19 AM

Recommendations on reporting to CEO and Board ? Simple and effective reporting format and structure, where the CEO can ascertain the performance of the project, the projected progress, the risks, other potential problems/issues (accompanied by concise narratives) easily. The CEO does not need to seek further information from the project team. Professionally presented, and recommendations could be implemented without alternations. ? Effective reporting format and structure, where the CEO can ascertain the performance of the project, the projected progress, the risks, other potential problems/issues (accompanied by concise narratives) with minimal need for further information from the project team. Professionally presented, and recommendations could be implemented with minimal alternations. ? Reasonably adequate reporting format and structure, where the CEO can ascertain the performance of the project, projected progress, risks, other potential problems/issues (accompanied by narratives) with some need for further information from the project team.


10/24/2017 3:53:02 AM

Recommendations on reporting to Project team ? The most relevant data is chosen for reporting. Recommended reporting format is succinct. Report structure is simple and effective, allowing proactive identification of potential problems. Comprehensive recommendations on project governance process, including meeting frequency, participants’ roles & responsibilities, are backed up by sound justifications based on IPM concepts and best practice project management recommendations, & could be implemented without alternations. Takes international stakeholder audience into consideration, with special recommendations. ? Relevant data is chosen for reporting. Recommended reporting format is succinct. Report structure is effective, though additional information may be required to identify potential problems. Comprehensive recommendations on project governance process, including meeting frequency and participants, are based on IPM concepts and project management recommendations. Takes international stakeholder audience into consideration, with special recommendations.


10/24/2017 3:52:26 AM

CRITERIA Excellent (> 80 %) Very good (70 – 79%) Good (60 – 69%) Recommendations of methodology for tracking cost & schedule. ? Professionally structured recommendations for cost & schedule tracking, including clear & concise explanations of advantages of the chosen methods over other options. Insightful and skilful application of the IPM concepts & theories. Generally, a ‘senior management ready’ recommendation document. A rigorous tracking process but without burdening the team with reporting. Takes international stakeholder audience into consideration. (30% of total mark) (24 – 30 marks (21 – 23 marks


10/24/2017 3:51:27 AM

Your proposal should be presented in an essay format. It needs to look and sound professional and to be suitable for tabling in an official meeting. Preparing your submission: Prepare your submission as a Word document, up to 1000 words (excluding references). Make sure you include at least 15 references to academic and/or professional body publications, using the Academy of Management referencing style. Refer to the Assessment 3 marking rubric before starting work on your submission.

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