Prepare a work plan and project schedule - gantt chart

Assignment Help Project Management
Reference no: EM13568

Once the organization has decided to move forward with the development of a new or modified system, it is time to evaluate what tasks are necessary to move the project from initiation to completion.

In this Application, you use some standard project management approaches to prepare a work plan and project schedule (Gantt chart) for a development project.

Consider this scenario: As a systems analyst at a medium-size company, you are helping to design an online system the human resources department can use to manage available job positions. This system needs the subsequent capabilities:

• Posts open positions to a company website

• Makes the open positions viewable and searchable by the general public

• Makes the open positions viewable, searchable, editable, and reportable by the organization's HR employees

• Collects resumes of applicants and their contact information into a standard résumé template

• Tracks the status of the applicants (whether they are qualified, interviewed, and rejected or hired)

• Houses positions and résumés in a database and performs searches via an online form

• Includes notification services to contact candidates about their status

• Prepare a work plan listing the tasks that will need to be completed to meet the system's requirements.

• Prepare a Gantt chart that is based on the details of your work plan.

Reference no: EM13568

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