Explain the non renewal- time lines for teachers

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Reference no: EM13565

Explain How School administrator would handle the situation. For the Supreme Court and Ohio Revised Code questions, use an internet search engine or our textbook to review the laws.

  1. Please list and explain the non renewal- time lines for teachers.
  2. Are there any changes to this under new legislation relative to House Bill 153 and or House Bill 555?  And what are these relative changes?
  3. Please list and explain the process for non-renewal of a school administrator (ORC 3319).
  4. A kindergarten student enrolled in your school alleges, through her parents, sexual abuse at the hands of a reading tutor.  How do you proceed in this investigation?
  5. The above parent files suit against the district alleging that the student was deprived of her constitutional right "to be free from sexual abuse at the hands of a public school teacher".  How do you think the courts would rule on this situation?
  6. Parents and guardians of three second grade students brought suit against the school board under Title IX, alleging that their daughters were the victims of peer-on peer sexual harassment.  The claimed harassment included both sexual gestures as well a verbal harassment.  Although no teachers reported witnessing any such conduct, the girls stated that they repeatedly told their classroom teachers of the offensive conduct.  How do you proceed investigating this issue?  What factors are the courts going to review in the matter of a lawsuit?  Are there any Supreme Court rulings on this issue?
  7. Please look up Flores v. Morgan Hill Unified School District, 324 F. 3d 1130 (9th Cir. 2003) and explain the issues and detail the court ruling.  You can Google this.
  8. Your school district, under a limited contract, during the 2012-13 school year, employed a person as a music teacher.  A collective bargaining agreement existed between the board of education and the teachers' association.  At the end of 2012-13 school year, the school board decides not to renew the music teacher.    The teacher claims the correct evaluation process has not been followed, rendering the non-renewal of the contract improper.  Please review Ohio Revised Code 3319 and state what the proper evaluation process must include.
  9. A student was injured during a required physical education class that was under the supervision of a substitute teacher.  Alleging negligence and reckless behavior, the student filed a complaint against the school board, the teacher, and the classmate who struck him with a bat.   How do you think the courts would rule on this issue? Refer to Ohio Revised Code 2744.02 (A) for assistance.  You can also Google this.
  10. A student was injured in a shop accident.  The teacher was not in the classroom as assigned. The mother and student sued the shop teacher and school officials.  Will the school lose the lawsuit?  Refer to Ohio Revised Code 2744.o2 (b) (4) for help.

Reference no: EM13565

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