Hatred and distrust of government

Assignment Help Management Theories
Reference no: EM131135742

Hatred and distrust of government are running so deep that many militia members believe that federal agents exploded the Oklahoma City bombing, initiated the incident at Ruby Ridge, contributed to the Waco standoff, and murdered innocent people to discredit the special interest groups and to facilitate the passage of the 1996 anti-terrorist crime bill.
Read about militia groups, the bombing of the Oklahoma City building, the Ruby Ridge, and the Waco standoffs, and about the creation of the 1996 anti-terrorist crime bill. Pay special attention to the role of government, the FBI, and the overall involvement of law enforcement in these cases.


  • Do you think the handling of the situations by the government, the FBI, and other law enforcement agencies provide any evidence to support the belief that they caused or encouraged the incidents?
  • In what way are the accusations against law enforcement agencies consistent with the ideologies of various militia groups?
  • Must be at least 200 words

Reference no: EM131135742

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