Great gatsby story

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Reference no: EM13144514

I have an essay question on The Great Gatsby story, I have been asked to do a literature essay on whether I agree or disagree on a statement made by Nick, here is the question :" They were careless people, Tom and Daisy - they smashed up things and creatures and retreated back into their money or the vast carelessness or whatever it was that kept them together; and left other people to clear up the mess they made."

Write and essay in which you either agree or disagree with this statement by Nick. Use quotations and refer to incidents in the novel in order to justify your stance.

This is what I have written so far:
Tom and Daisy Buchanan are the centre-point for most of the stories tragic events. Even though the couple has their own issues, they seem to be bound together by a certain force, which is not made apparent to the reader. They are also very careless people and are never present when trouble comes their way.

Tom Buchanan is Daisy’s husband, he is one of the dishonest and racially prejudiced characters in the story. He is an acclaimed high school football star with a large physical stature and excessive arrogance. He has a very public going relationship with Myrtle the wife of George Wilson. This could not be his first affair judging on his attitude. He spoils Myrtle by buying her the things she wants and keeps the relationship going by using his wealth. An example of mindless wealth usage is when Tom purchases a dog for Myrtle; the dog was purchased for no reason at all but just for spending money pointlessly. Most of the mindless spending is due to the fact that Tom inherited most of his money and was brought up in an excess of wealth making his spending and money management skills non existent. Tom however thinks his money usage and ongoing affairs are completely justifiable and morally correct. Nick notices this and somehow relates it to being the behaviour of most people that live on the East Egg.

I would like some help in finding more ideas to write about and more points to state, the essay has to be 600 words and I really haven't been paying much attention to the story.

Reference no: EM13144514

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