Explain public-key cryptography standard

Assignment Help Computer Networking
Reference no: EM1369495

Assume Eve has captured a message from Alice, and that she knows it is an encrypted salary figure in the range 10,000 to 1,000,000. Further assume the figure is encrypted with Bob's public key using a direct implementation of the RSA algorithm (i.e., no PKCS).

(a) Explain how Eve can learn what the encrypted figure is.
(b) Explain in detail how PKCS (Public-Key Cryptography Standard), when combined with the RSA algorithm, can thwart Eve's attempt at discovering the encrypted figure.

Question 3 Marking scale

- Identification of the simplest method Eve can use to decrypt the message
- Identification of the section in the PKCS standard that will prevent this, and the reasons why
- Correct spelling and grammar
- Use of at least one supporting reference
- Correct APA referencing style


Reference no: EM1369495

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