Explain inconsistent or consistent truth for global warming

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Reference no: EM133190967 , Length: Word count: 1 Page

Assignment Task: An Inconsistent Truth Discussion:

Please answer the following questions. A single page total of response to all questions is sufficient with 12 point font and 1.5 line spacing.

Question 1: As a counter to An Inconvenient Truth, this documentary sought to show that global warming was false and people supporting global warming as being scientifically valid had ulterior motives for doing so. Did this documentary do a good job explaining its point of view? Did you agree with some or all of the arguments/points made in An Inconsistent Truth? If not, how could the host better shape his arguments, featured experts, point of view, and rhetoric to make it more convincing to a wider audience?

Question 2: Did either An Inconsistent Truth or An Inconvenient Truth change your point of view on global warming? Please explain what specifics for either or both movies made an impact on you or gave you information that you didn't have before. After seeing the documentary, if Phil Valentine (the documentary's host) stopped you on the street as he did in the documentary and asked you about global warming what would you tell him?

Reference no: EM133190967

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