Discuss about a waste of effort and money

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Reference no: EM132000096

Question: Herbs and plants contain chemical compounds; some of them are effective at curing conditions, some are dangerous and others are a waste of effort and money. In this section you will be researching scientific and medical evidence including clinical trials for the efficacy of your chosen plant. Put some effort in here and find some good studies that either uphold or deny the various claims made for your plant. Make sure you include the chemical constituents and the chemical structures contained in the plant.

Format for Plant Project, Part 4: This section will include the following and each of these should have headings bolded and underlined:

• Title Page including your name, date, chosen herb, and word count

• Short introduction

• Scientific evidence that your plant works

• Medical or clinical studies

• Chemical components including chemical structures (this is important!)

• Include pictures or charts as illustrations. Make sure they are integrated nicely in the text, not separate or all at the end. Also make sure they are an appropriate size.

• Cite your references

• 1500 words and no plagiarism

• Chosen plant: Lemon Balm

Reference no: EM132000096

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Discuss about a waste of effort and money : Herbs and plants contain chemical compounds; some of them are effective at curing conditions, some are dangerous and others are a waste of effort and money.
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