Create a table showing what you have come up with

Assignment Help Management Theories
Reference no: EM131498919

Question: In the cosmetics industry, knowing what and how the various competitors are doing could be important strategic information in developing a sustainable competitive advantage. Suppose you're a manager at the Estée Lauder Compames. What types of competitive-intelligence information would you want, and where would you find it? Create a table showing what you've come up with. Be prepared to support your ideas in class. (You'll probably need to do some outside research-library, Internet, or otherwise to complete this assignment.)

Reference no: EM131498919

Questions Cloud

Direct relationship with algorithm strength : 1. Discuss if you think AES key size has a direct relationship with algorithm strength.
Equivalent annual amount and accumulated amount : The Bowman family invests annually in their "IRA" over the next 35 years. Equivalent Annual Amount and Accumulated Amount
Define role of courts in the public policy making process : Assignment- Define the role of courts in the public policy making process, and evaluate the key roles courts play in this process.
Planning to replace some existing machinery : Crescent Industries management is planning to replace some existing machinery in its plant. What should be the selling price of the? bond?
Create a table showing what you have come up with : In the cosmetics industry, knowing what and how the various competitors are doing could be important strategic information in developing a sustainable.
Explain role of family structure and the sexual revolution : Explain the role of family structure and the sexual revolution in the dramatic increase of young adult living with their parents in Southern European countries.
Asymmetric encryption algorithms : Discuss why asymmetric encryption algorithms require larger key sizes?
Find five different examples of companies goals : Find five different examples of companies goals. List these goals on a sheet of paper. Then, do some reverse thinking, and list what organizational resources.
Identify the three elements of hamrics definition : Identify the three elements of Hamrics definition of advance nursing practice that you think are most important Why did you pick these three?


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