Basics of hypertext markup language

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Reference no: EM131216

Hypertext Markup Language

The basics of Hypertext Markup Language and World Wide Web. First, you will learn about different networks, World Wide Web history, Web servers and Web browsers. Then you will start to explore the language of the Web - HTML. You will learn how to create HTML tags and apply them to an HTML document to create a basic Web page. While exploring the syntax of the HTML language you will learn how to format Web page headings, paragraph, lists, and individual characters. Finally, you will practice inserting pictures, special characters, and lines in an HTML document.


Create hypertext links between elements within a Web page and between different Web pages. How to create anchors for text elements and inline images. You will practice using both relative and absolute pathnames for files. Web structures will be reviewed and storyboarding methods explored. Create hypertext links to several Internet resources, including Web pages, FTP servers, and newsgroups.


  • Create hypertext links
  • Distinguish between and be able to use absolute and relative paths
  • Understand how HTML handles color
  • Create a color scheme for a Web page
  • Work with font sizes, colors, and types
  • Place a background image on a Web page
  • Describe different image file formats used on web pages
  • Control the placement and appearance of images on a Web page
  • Work with client-side image maps
  • Describe the contents of a storyboard for a web site

Cascading style sheet

We will investigate cascading style sheet. Cascading style sheets (CSS) make it possible to separate the way information appears on the web page (style) from the actual information shown on the page. Create styles and then apply them to specific elements on your web page, such as specific headings, hypertext links or images. You will also explore the three process of employing CSS, inline styles, embedded styles and external style sheets, and how to select the correct method for a given web design project.


  • Define, explain and differentiate between inline styles, embedded styles and external style sheets
  • Prepare inline styles, embedded styles and external style sheets and use them appropriately
  • Use cascading style sheets to design page layouts

Upon completion of this course, students will be able to perform, describe, and demonstrate the following learning objectives:

Create HTML templates, using headings, lines, body text

Incorporate lists, frames, image maps, forms, hyperlinks, and tables into web pages

Describe and create internal and external hyperlinks

Describe and create a frame formatted web page

Describe and create interactive forms

Describe and create cascading style sheets

Reference no: EM131216

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