Address the twin issues of historical failure rates

Assignment Help Management Theories
Reference no: EM133216850

Question 1: As a large-scale government IT project, was the envisaged platform predisposed to highly likely setbacks and failures that would have been an inevitable part of the evolution and learning process for this initiative? Or could such problems have been anticipated and proactively avoided? Address the twin issues of historical failure rates in large-scale government IT, as well as expectations management in this answer.

Question 2:  What lessons were learned from this project in regards to the notions of "dimensions of information systems" and "complementary assets" in the textbook?

Question 3: The initiative entailed G2C and G2B e-commerce, whose imperatives would be different from the more common B2C and B2B types of e-commerce. Conduct some research on G2C and G2B e-commerce effectiveness and critique the "business model" being followed by CMS for Include considerations of ethical, social, and political issues in your answer. What elements of this model appear to encompass sound practices, and which aspects could have used improvement? What changes would have addressed the shortcomings you identified?

Reference no: EM133216850

Questions Cloud

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Address the twin issues of historical failure rates : could such problems have been anticipated and proactively avoided? Address the twin issues of historical failure rates in large-scale government IT, as well
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