Procedure to obtain export licence, Marketing Research

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Procedure to obtain Export Licence: An application for grant of export licence in respect of items mentioned in the EXIM policy may be made in the prescribed form to the Director General of Foreign Trade or its Regional Licensing Authority. The application shall be accompanied by the documents prescribed therein. The Export Licensing committee at the Headquarters may consider such applications on merits for issue of export licences. A special High powered licensing committee shall consider applications for the export of dual purpose chemicals and for special materials, equipments and technologies as specified in the policy.

The procedures for making an application for other items are described below:

1. An application for export of canalised items may be made to the canalising agency concerned in accordance with the procedure prescribed by such agency.

2. An application for the export of samples or exhibits in excess of the ceiling may be made to the Director General of Foreign Trade.

3. An application for export of items included in the Negative List of exports (excluding Prohibited items) for projects abroad undertaken by an Indian contractor or subcontractor or consultancy organisation may be made to the Director General of Foreign Trade. The application is accompanied by a copy of the project approval by the concerned authority.

The project approval provides the details of quantities, specifications and value of the individual items required to be exported.

4. The application for export of gifts, indigenous or imported spares and replacement goods in excess of the ceiling or period prescribed may be made to the Director General of Foreign Trade. Applications for export licences are to be made on prescribed forms. There is no application fee on export licences/permits. An export licence shall ordinarily be issued with a validity period of 12 months or such shorter period as the licensing authority may specify. The licence may be revalidated on merits for such period as the licensing authority may deem fit.

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